Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am not sure if anyone is reading this much anymore.  I thought I would try to quickly update you on what all we have been up to over the last few months.  Now the only question is where to start. 

We will start with the biggest change.  David has moved to Montana.  Yes you did read that right. He was actually traveling back and forth for job interviews while dad was in the hospital.  Mel is still in the DFW area.  She hangs out with my mom on a regular basis.  She is working very hard on planning the wedding for this coming July.  David seems to be enjoying his new job and his new location.  I know that he had a very difficult time leaving because he felt the he left my mom alone.  He knows that we support his decision and will do what we can to help.  We also know how excited and proud dad was of him during the interviewing process.  My dad would be completely focused on anything to do with the move and new job when he was in the hospital.  So overall Dave has had the most changes and he is doing good!

Dan and Bekah are doing well.  Dan had his gallbladder removed in mid-February.  The surgery went well and he is doing pretty good.  They are busy as always, but they are doing good.

Bryan and I are also doing good.  We are keeping busy with life.  But there is nothing really big or exciting with us!  Stick around for a few months and it will get exciting.  It always does!

Now for the update on the three smallest members of the family.  All three have celebrated their birthdays'.  Yes that is right... we know have two one year olds and a three year old in the family.  They are all doing good and are growing like weeds.  Lauren has a big thing about asking my mom and I if Papa gave us our necklaces.  My mom always says that yes he did give her hers.  Bryan gave me mine so that is what I tell her.  My mom got Lauren a necklace for her birthday.  When she opened it at her party she said something to the effect of "papa gave me a necklace."  Talk about a real party stopper.  It was really sweet and she was so proud of it.  She was talking to me one day and we were talking about going to the zoo.  She told me that we could take papa.  Then she looked at me and laughed and said "Issa... Papa can't go... He is in heaven."  I told her that she was right and we went on with the conversation.  But all three are doing good.

Now for the person you are probably most concerned about, my mom.  She is doing pretty well.  Everyday holds a little encouragement and a little reminder.  She is working hard on getting things completed.  She is looking forward to the day when things are not still outstanding.  She has kept very busy with trips to Chicago, Florida, and Austin.  She made to both birthday parties.  She has had lots of company and lots of friends to do stuff with.  We are grateful for the impact each of you have had to make this transition more comfortable for her.

Not a day goes by that I don't replay the events of the month dad spent in the hospital.  Not a night goes by that I don't go to bed without thinking about the night that I got the call that he was not going to make it.  But, not a day goes by that I don't smile at some reminder of him.  He was such an incredible man and left us with so many great memories but still such a large void.  Thank you for you continued thoughts and prayers.  We still need them and they are still felt!   


Anonymous said...

Melissa, thank you for sharing your heart. Know that we think of you and your family often and pray for you. My prayer is that God will continue to comfort your heart. Lauri

Paulette Saulsberry said...

Thanks so much for continuing to share your thoughts and the events of the family. Its still kinda hard to believe but I know God makes no mistakes so I accept it. Tell your mom hello and I will continue to pray for and with you all. Happy Mother's Day!