I thought I would add this picture. It is from the last night he was alive. My mom and Melanee were in the gowns, gloves, and mask because of the MRSA. They said that he was into taking the pictures and even trying to smile. If we only knew that would be our last picture. They sent that to me after they had taken it. I was with a couple of my friends. I showed it to them and rolled my eyes. If I only knew then what I know now...
Friday, January 16, 2009
I thought I would add this picture. It is from the last night he was alive. My mom and Melanee were in the gowns, gloves, and mask because of the MRSA. They said that he was into taking the pictures and even trying to smile. If we only knew that would be our last picture. They sent that to me after they had taken it. I was with a couple of my friends. I showed it to them and rolled my eyes. If I only knew then what I know now...
Thoughts for today
I have started the task of returning emails today. I feel like I should apologize for taking so long. My mom received the death certificate today. It stated that the cause of death was septic shock for 6 hours, organ failure for 6 hours, pancreatitis for 4 weeks, and the problem with colon that will not start to spell for 3 weeks. We have our own cause... God's will. I know that we should not question God's will but it is hard to not. I have thought about the timing a lot. He was in the ICU for exactly one month and 6 hours. You will notice that he went into septic shock and organ failure the last 6 hours. We were told that if he did survive this that he would be the same as before. We didn't believe it though. As the days went on we saw that man that we loved change. We are not trying to put God's ability in a box, but it seemed that the sicker he got the less likely it was. I really do think that this was the best answer to the problem. That is easier to say then to accept. I still do not understand but I am comforted by the fact that he will not have to worry about the future. God is good all the time!
Daniel and his family DFW around 4:30 this morning. My mom called around 7:45 and they had made it to the town they live in.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Random Thoughts
I was talking with a friend at church last night. She has young children and has lost both of her parents. We were discussing what it is like to teach your child about someone so important that they will never meet. I told her that I think a lot about why God would have left both Bryan and I fatherless. Bryan lost his father a little over a year ago. She said something that will stick with me. God will provide what we need when we need it. He will do that for her children and for my child. He will also do that for me. It doesn't make everything better, but it does make things more interesting. I go from being very sad about all that has happened to excited with anticipation of what God has planned. I have a lot to learn still. I am so thankful that God gives us all exactly what we need the moment we need it. I think that a lot of that is reliance on Him. That is a lesson I have not perfected yet.
I am thankfully to be home getting my life back into what order I can. I made a quiet but eventful return to Austin on Monday. I think that Daniel and his family will head back tomorrow. Please keep them in your prayers. The weather is suppose to be pretty bad where they live. Also, please say a pray for my grandparents and aunt as they travel this weekend to meet up with my uncle somewhere around Atlanta and then continue on to Florida.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What all happened one week ago...
I am sure at some point people will stop looking here on a regular basis. What I am doing now is more for me. I am now letting you into my broken heart.
I go between being over joyed thinking about what he has done already in heaven to looking at my young baby's face thinking of all he will miss. I have thought of several things I am going to put on here over the next several days. I just have to get them on here.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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